Understanding Subluxations Through Metaphors & Analogies Part 3

In the final part of this series of posts, I would like to give you one last analogy.

Diabetes of the spine.  Vertebral subluxation can be explained as diabetes of the spine.  First of all, let’s be clear.  You don’t have diabetes, there is no condition called diabetes of the spine, I actually made it up to make a point.  Here is why.   There are millions of people walking around each day with diabetes and they don’t know it.  That’s why there are sophisticated tests to check your blood sugar.  Regardless of if you have symptoms or not, we know if you go past a certain threshold, you are a diabetic. Once we know you are a diabetic, it is not a life sentence provided you do two things.  You get your blood sugar back under control and you monitor and manage it for the rest of your life.  If you do, you can lead a totally healthy and full life.  If you choose to ignore it, you might be able to get away with it for short spans of time but we know without a doubt it will cause a loss of eye sight, loss of limbs, loss of life.  The reason I call diabetes subluxation of the spine is that subluxations are exactly like that.  There are millions of people walking around every day who are subluxated and they don’t know it.  That’s why your chiropractor has sophisticated tests, not to check your blood sugar, but to check your nerve pressure.  Regardless of if you have symptoms or not, if you exceed the normal nerve pressure threshold, we now know you are subluxated.  Being subluxated is not a life sentence provided you do two things.  You get your nerve pressure back under control and you monitor and manage it for the rest of your life.  If you do you could lead a totally normal and healthy full life.  If you ignore it, you might be able to get away with it for short spans of time but we know clinically, it will shut down your nervous system, cripple your spine and cause a premature death.    Chiropractic is not a luxury, it is a necessity.  If you had diabetes and I was your General Practitioner, I would insist you get your kids into see me, as diabetes runs in families.  If there is nothing wrong with their blood sugar level, let’s celebrate and check them again in a year.  If there is something wrong,  let’s put our heads together to put a plan into action to fix it now.  Likewise, as a caring, family chiropractor who know subluxations run in families, I would insist you bring your kids in to see me.  Like a GP, if there was nothing wrong, that is great – let’s see them in a year.  If they are showing signs of subluxation let’s come up with a course of action to improve their health.  It’s logical, it’s authentic and it’s real.  It is about accepting how serious subluxation is.

I have a couple of very strong beliefs.  I have never met a human being feeling better when subluxated than not and I believe being subluxated kills us a little bit every day.  I don’t see chiropractic treatment as glorified massage, or glorified PT.  I see it as life and death.  A GP who is taking care of a diabetic, or an oncologist who is taking care of someone with liver cancer, it is not a luxury.  It is a choice between life and death.   Chiropractic care is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

Thank you to all those people who have provided excellent feedback on this series.  I look forward to bringing you more information that will be of benefit to the health of you and your family in the near future.