Understanding Subluxations Through Metaphors & Analogies Part 3

In the final part of this series of posts, I would like to give you one last analogy.

Diabetes of the spine.  Vertebral subluxation can be explained as diabetes of the spine.  First of all, let’s be clear.  You don’t have diabetes, there is no condition called diabetes of the spine, I actually made it up to make a point.  Here is why.   There are millions of people walking around each day with diabetes and they don’t know it.  That’s why there are sophisticated tests to check your blood sugar.  Regardless of if you have symptoms or not, we know if you go past a certain threshold, you are a diabetic. Once we know you are a diabetic, it is not a life sentence provided you do two things.  You get your blood sugar back under control and you monitor and manage it for the rest of your life.  If you do, you can lead a totally healthy and full life.  If you choose to ignore it, you might be able to get away with it for short spans of time but we know without a doubt it will cause a loss of eye sight, loss of limbs, loss of life.  The reason I call diabetes subluxation of the spine is that subluxations are exactly like that.  There are millions of people walking around every day who are subluxated and they don’t know it.  That’s why your chiropractor has sophisticated tests, not to check your blood sugar, but to check your nerve pressure.  Regardless of if you have symptoms or not, if you exceed the normal nerve pressure threshold, we now know you are subluxated.  Being subluxated is not a life sentence provided you do two things.  You get your nerve pressure back under control and you monitor and manage it for the rest of your life.  If you do you could lead a totally normal and healthy full life.  If you ignore it, you might be able to get away with it for short spans of time but we know clinically, it will shut down your nervous system, cripple your spine and cause a premature death.    Chiropractic is not a luxury, it is a necessity.  If you had diabetes and I was your General Practitioner, I would insist you get your kids into see me, as diabetes runs in families.  If there is nothing wrong with their blood sugar level, let’s celebrate and check them again in a year.  If there is something wrong,  let’s put our heads together to put a plan into action to fix it now.  Likewise, as a caring, family chiropractor who know subluxations run in families, I would insist you bring your kids in to see me.  Like a GP, if there was nothing wrong, that is great – let’s see them in a year.  If they are showing signs of subluxation let’s come up with a course of action to improve their health.  It’s logical, it’s authentic and it’s real.  It is about accepting how serious subluxation is.

I have a couple of very strong beliefs.  I have never met a human being feeling better when subluxated than not and I believe being subluxated kills us a little bit every day.  I don’t see chiropractic treatment as glorified massage, or glorified PT.  I see it as life and death.  A GP who is taking care of a diabetic, or an oncologist who is taking care of someone with liver cancer, it is not a luxury.  It is a choice between life and death.   Chiropractic care is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

Thank you to all those people who have provided excellent feedback on this series.  I look forward to bringing you more information that will be of benefit to the health of you and your family in the near future.

Understanding Subluxations Through Metaphors & Analogies Part 2

In my last post, we learnt how subluxations affect our body by comparing them to circuit breakers and the dimmer switch.   Another analogy we can use is the rubber band.  Wrap a rubber band around your index finger tightly.  You will notice within seconds the tip of your finger is really red.  We believe in exercise. Now exercise your finger as much can.  Is the red going away?  No.  We believe in good nutrition.  Water is good.  Now drink some water.  Is the red going away? No.  The only thing that is going to stop your finger going red is to remove the rubber band.  Once you do that, notice how quickly the power in your body starts to heal your finger.  It happens within seconds.  I am definitely not being disrespectful to exercise or good nutrition or meditation or anything else, they are all important aspects of our lives.   This display is purely a way to emphasise that if we don’t remove the interference, we won’t start healing.

I have a couple of very strong beliefs.  I have never met a human being feeling better when subluxated than not and I believe being subluxated kills us a little bit every day.  I don’t see chiropractic treatment as glorified massage, or glorified PT.  I see it as life and death.  A GP who is taking care of a diabetic, or an oncologist who is taking care of someone with liver cancer, it is not a luxury.  It is a choice between life and death.   Chiropractic care is not a luxury, it is a necessity.


Understanding Subluxations Through Metaphors & Analogies Part 1

Since effective communication takes places when we link the known to the unknown and communicate more visually than verbally there are some easy ways to communicate this principal and what happens when a person becomes subluxated.  Over the coming weeks I will be posting several analogies to help you understand how chiropractic works and why regular treatments are a must for you and  your family.

For example, let’s talk about the circuit breaker.  I don’t know anything about electricity.  I don’t consider that a weak area because I don’t want to know anything about electricity. But I know this; living in the north-east of the United States, about 5 or 6 time a year I lose power in my house.  Every time we lose power in our house, the same thing happens.  Even though I know nothing about electricity, I know where the flash light is. I know how to find the garage.  I know behind my car in the garage there is a big metal box. I know how to open that metal box and even though the contractors who built my home actually labelled it, most of it is faded and I wouldn’t read it anyway.  I never read instructions building things.  But I do this – I visually inspect.  I see one circuit breaker in line in perfect alignment with the next, in perfect alignment with the next, in perfect alignment with the next.  Until all of a sudden one is out of alignment.  I don’t necessarily know what that is connected to or if I am going to blow up the home, but instinctively I know if I flip it back into alignment, the power will be back on.  The house you live in, called your body, works on the exact same principal. Your circuit breakers are called vertebrae, and your chiropractor knows where every one of your vertebrae circuits are supposed to go.  When we find one out of alignment with the others and put it back into alignment, instantly the power comes back on.  We practice the POPO technique.  Pressure Off, Power On.  It is that quick. Pressure Off, Power On.

I have a couple of very strong beliefs.  I have never met a human being feeling better when subluxated than not and I believe being subluxated kills us a little bit every day.  I don’t see chiropractic treatment as glorified massage, or glorified PT.  I see it as life and death.  A GP who is taking care of a diabetic, or an oncologist who is taking care of someone with liver cancer, it is not a luxury.  It is a choice between life and death.   Chiropractic care is not a luxury, it is a necessity.

The Fuse Box Analogy

11121Look at it this way, basically the nervous system creates a fuse for each muscle and or movement that sets the parameters of a movement or motion. (ie.. walking)

When that muscle exceeds the parameters of the fuse it blow and shuts off the nervous  system going to a certain muscle creating a point of interruption, a muscle weakness for that   function.

What effect can a point of interruption weakness have on the body? Even though a interruption weakness may not seem significant its effects can range from subtle to life   threatening.

What I do at Coast Chiropractic Caloundra is to identify and correct the blown fuses in the nervous system using Quantum Neurology® Neurological Rehabilitation. Which corrects the   interruption until its re-injured. This allows me to look further and find deeper or multiple   interruption in the nervous system.

By the time you feel pain the fuse box has blown and created multiple points of interruption in the body. Too many people think that strengthening a weak muscle will correct the problem and spend hundreds of dollars trying to strengthen a muscle only to stop the exercise   and have the pain return.

Come in today and let me reset your Fuse Box and allow your self to live strong.

Chiropractic is Pro-active

Life style stresses adversely affects your health. Yes or NO (Say YES)

How stress is processed and managed is through hour nervous system. You live your life   through your nervous system. So what chiropractors do is evaluate you nervous system to   see how stress is affecting it and if it is creating disturbances on how the nervous system functions we want to remove those disturbances so you body can heal more regularly.

A misconception about going to a chiropractor is that you have to keep going back. That’s   like saying once you go to the gym you have to keep going. Once you eat healthy you have to keep eating healthy. No, you don’t have to, it becomes a life style for being healthy.

Want a healthy life style, then Chiropractic needs to be part of that life style.

Adjustments, Oxidative stress, DNA repair

11121There is a growing body of evidence that wellness care provided by doctors of chiropractic  may reduce health care costs, improve health behaviours, and enhance patient perceived   quality of life. Until recently however, little was known about how chiropractic adjustments   affected the chemistry of biological process on a cellular level.

In a landmark study published in the journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, chiropractors   collaboration with researchers at the University of Lund found the chiropractic care could   influence basic physiological processes affecting oxidative stress and DNA repair. These   findings offer a scientific explanation for the positive health benefits reported by patients   receiving chiropractic care.

C Kent Chiropractic adjustments, oxidative stress and DNA repair Illuminate 2001 vol 2

Increasing your expression of life

“There is a Universal Intelligence in all matter continually giving to it its properties and  actions, thus maintaining it in existence.” Stability of the universe is because there is   intelligence in all mater. That intelligence is inside of you and it is called innate-intelligence   and it wants you to live, grow, and survive.

Interference of this innate-intelligence (the expression of life from the brain to the tissue within your body) by way of a SUBLUXATION will cause a disfunction in the tissue/cells.

As it disfunction’s it looses it vibration and is incapable of providing 100% for the body.  If that body has a great diet, good exercise can it still work at its best if the tissues/cell are not   functioning at 100% because a subluxation has interfered in the communication between the brain and cells stoping the flow of innate-intellegence??? Are you now letting your body live,   grow, and survive by living with SUBLUXATIONS???

Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation Won’t Cause Chest Injuries

FRIDAY, May 13 (HealthDay News) — Chest compressions during chiropractic spinal  manipulation result in little or no risk of chest injury, according to new research.

The study, published in the May 13 online edition of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, measured and examined the force of chest compressions ranging   from typical to extremely rigorous and found all to be well under the threshold for injury.

“Results from this preliminary study showed that maximum chest compression during   chiropractic manipulation of the thoracic spine is unlikely to result in injury,” lead   investigator Brian D. Stemper, associate professor in the department of neurosurgery at   Medical College of Wisconsin, said in a journal news release.

SOURCE: Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, news release, May 13,   2011  HealthDay


11121Wellness is a choice – a decision you make towards optimal health. A way of life, a life style you design to achieve you highest potential for well being.

Chiropractic is based on the philosophy that the body is a self-healing, self -regulating, and   self- developing organism and that your nervous system is the master system and controller of your body. If you cut you finger, it heals. You don’t have to take anything or do anything  to make that happen. If you were to cut the finger of a dead person healing would not occur.

Life heals, it is as simple as that. You live your life through the nervous system. It is the master system and control of your body. Right now your heart beats, your kidneys are functioning, and your brain is producing  chemicals all with out you having to think about it. What would happen if there were was interference with the function of your nervous system? It would interfere with your body’s ability to heal and regulate. A limited nervous system means limited wellness. If you want to optimally create higher  levels of wellness, you then need to remove nervous system interference as part of the process.

Chiropractors are uniquely trained to do this.

CALL TODAY TO START YOUR PATH TO WELLNESS!!! Family wellness plans are available.

Physiology of stress From: 14 Foundational Premises of Wellness Care by Dr James Chestnut

1. Body detects stimulus

2. The body indicates the fight of flight response (sympathetic)

3. Increase heat rate, blood pressure, ect….(catabolic). Decreases all digestion, sex drive,   growth (hormone production), cellular immunity.

4. The adreanals are immediately activated. Adrenalin, Epinephrine, & Cortisol are being   produced.

5. These act on the heart, increasing its rate and stroke volume allowing raid delivery of stress   response hormone and energy substrates.

6. These hormones stimulate the brain too so that emotional / anxiety memories dominate   during stress.

7. Stress hormones inhibit factual learning, working memory, and the ability to focus.

8. The Noradrenalin produced acts on the emotion centers in the brain meaning logical   behavior and short term memory become inhibited while centers for emotional learning and   instinctual behavior are stimulated.

9. Because the increased sensitivity of our sensor system, our concentration is easily   distracted, we tend to exaggerate or become sensitized and exert greater effect.

10. Chronic stress can lead to chronic changes in cognition. Cells in our brain (hippocampus)   actually SHRINK. Interestingly, research show that chronic movement stimulation   (exercise) results in the hippocampus cells increasing in size.

Chronic stress

1. Develops neruroplasticity along pathways which stimulate anxiety inhibition of rational thought. And the   only way to break this cycle is to create neuroplacitiy along stress inhibitor pathways by creation a stimulus by movement / adjustment.

2. Normally the body produces serotonin and response to stress however under long & extreme stress the body can’t keep up with demand.

3. It is this long term decreased serotonin levels that lead people to get depressed. Now add in insulin resistance from chronic high levels of blood glucose & and high levels of insulin. This can lead to type 2 diabetes or chronic fatigue syndrome.